User Group: Healthcare Providers

EBSCOhost Alt Health Watch

Alt HealthWatch

Focuses on many perspectives of complementary, holisitic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness.

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Complete Human Diseases and Conditions

This e-book presents information on numerous diseases and conditions. Articles include a definition of the disease or condition, an explanation of how it works in the body, information on causes, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment or cure, and lifestyles.

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EBSCOhost Consumer Health Complete

Consumer Health Complete

Comprehensive resources for consumer-oriented health content. Designed to support the needs of patient and to foster an overall understanding of health-related topics. Covers all areas of health and wellness.

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Drugs & Controlled Substances: Info for Students

This single-volume e-book provides detailed information on the physiological and psychological effects of addictive drugs and substances, from illegal drugs to commonly abused classes of prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Arranged alphabetically by drug name, each entry follows a standard format, allowing researchers to find the information they need easily and also to facilitate comparison between drugs.

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Food: In Context

This e-book examines food in relationship to nutrition, world health issues, agriculture, environmental concerns, current events and political decision-making.

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Gale Encyclopedia of Diets

This e-book covers special diets, popular weight-loss programs, dietary concerns, nutritional basics, and some effects of a person’s dietary choices on one’s health. Topics are organized around the development and history of a diet, its basic principles, any key figures that influence the trend, and any public or regulatory concerns associated with the practice. Provides information across all age groups from infants to the elderly.

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Gale Encyclopedia of Prescription Drugs: A Comprehensive Guide to the Most Common Medications

This encyclopedia features entries on the most commonly prescribed drugs. It describes potential side effects, drug and food interactions, recommended dosages, and warnings/precautions.

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EBSCOhost Health Source Consumer Edition

Health Source: Consumer Edition

Content from consumer health magazines, current health-related pamphlets, and full text health reference books.

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EBSCOhost Health Source Nursing and Academic Edition

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition

Scholarly journals focusing on many medical disciplines, with strong coverage of nursing and allied health content.

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EBSCOhost Medic Latina


Una colección única de contenido médico de editoriales latinoamericanas y españolas.

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EBSCOhost Medline


Content from biomedical and health journals used by health care professionals, nurses, clinicians and researchers engaged in clinical care, public health and health policy development.

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Nutrition & Well-Being A-Z

This e-book examines the relationship between food and health on a historical, national and personal level. It analyzes how nutrition has affected quality of life, health, and fitness in various countries at different times in history.

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