Topic: High School

A New World Power

This e-book chronicles the political and social history of the United States in the aftermath of one world war through its engagement in another.

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EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier

Academic Search Premier

Scholarly, multidiscipline, full text database for academic research. Covers the academic disciplines being offered in colleges and universities.

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America Between the Civil War and the 20th Century: 1865-1900

This e-book looks at American history between the Civil War and the 20th century and includes firsthand accounts that reveal the prevailing ideologies of the time and shed light on significant people and events.

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American Decades Primary Sources: 2000-2009

This e-book volume covers the first decade of the twenty-first century from monumental events and groundbreaking individuals to the details of Americans’ daily lives. Topics include world events, the arts, business and the economy, education, fashion, government and politics, law and justice, lifestyles and social trends, media, medicine and health, religion, science and technology, and sports.

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American Decades: 1900-1999

A cross-disciplinary source for junior and high school users who need to analyze periods of contemporary American social history. (e-book)

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American Decades 2010-2019, book cover

American Decades: 2010-19

This e-book covers everything from monumental events and groundbreaking individuals to the fascinating details of Americans’ daily lives. Supports historical research in disciplines from the arts and business to law, medicine, technology and social trends.
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American Eras, Primary Sources: Civil War and Reconstruction (1860-1877)

A student-friendly reference offering full or excerpted primary sources representing a diversity of views that provide insight into the seminal issues, themes, movements, and events from the era. This e-book includes essays on events, publications, lifestyles and individuals important to the Civil War and Reconstruction Era in U.S. history.

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American Eras, Primary Sources: Development of a Nation (1783-1815)

A student-friendly reference offering full or excerpted primary sources representing a diversity of views that provide insight into the seminal issues, themes, movements, and events from the era. This e-book includes primary sources documenting events, publications, lifestyles, and individuals important to the early Republic period in U.S. History.

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American Eras, Primary Sources: Development of the Industrial United States (1878-1899)

A student-friendly reference offering full or excerpted primary sources representing a diversity of views that provide insight into the seminal issues, themes, movements, and events from the era. This e-book includes essays on events, publications, lifestyles, and individuals important to the era of industrial development in U.S. history.

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American Eras, Primary Sources: Early American Civilizations and Exploration to 1600

A student-friendly reference offering full or excerpted primary sources representing a diversity of views that provide insight into the seminal issues, themes, movements, and events from the era. This e-book includes essays on events, publications, lifestyles, and individuals important to the era of early American civilizations and exploration before 1600.

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American Eras, Primary Sources: Reform Era & Eastern US Development (1815-1850)

A student-friendly reference offering full or excerpted primary sources representing a diversity of views that provide insight into the seminal issues, themes, movements, and events from the era. This e-book includes essays on events, publications, lifestyles, and individuals important to the Reform Era and Eastern United States development in U.S. history.

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American Eras, Primary Sources: Revolutionary Era (1754-1783)

A student-friendly reference offering full or excerpted primary sources representing a diversity of views that provide insight into the seminal issues, themes, movements, and events from the era. This e-book includes essays on events, publications, lifestyles, and individuals important to the Revolutionary Era in U.S. history.

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American Eras, Primary Sources: The Colonial Era (1600-1754)

A student-friendly reference offering full or excerpted primary sources representing a diversity of views that provide insight into the seminal issues, themes, movements, and events from the era. This e-book includes essays on events, publications, lifestyles, and individuals important to the American colonial era.

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American Eras, Primary Sources: Westward Expansion (1800-1860)

A student-friendly reference offering full or excerpted primary sources representing a diversity of views that provide insight into the seminal issues, themes, movements, and events from the era. This e-book includes essays on events, publications, lifestyles, and individuals important to the Westward Expansion Era in U.S. history.

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Gale Chilton Library

Chilton Library

Step-by-step instructions for your auto repair needs. Includes videos and animations, close-up images, wiring diagrams, diagnostic information, and maintenance and specification tables.

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Cities of the United States

This e-book provides vital information on 199 of America’s top cities – those fastest-growing, as well as those with a particular historical, political, industrial, and/or commercial significance. City-specific profiles organize pertinent facts, data, and figures related to demographic, economic, cultural, geographic, social, and recreational conditions.

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Civ ed. PBS Learning Media.

CIV ED: A Guide to Idaho Politics and Civic Engagement

InĀ CIV ED: A Guide to Idaho Politics and Civic Engagement,Ā we explore public participation in the state government, how bills become Idaho law, Idaho’s Constitution, taxes and the Idaho state budget, and the role of media in Idaho.

Idaho Public Television is committed to building civic literacy and citizenship in our state. One way to do that is to showcase state and national efforts to break down political and social polarization, to model constructive conversations, and to promote civic literacy and civil dialogue.
Civic literacyĀ reflects our ability to stay informed, to understand the ways information is shared as well as manipulated, to be familiar with the workings of our government and society, and to know the rights and responsibilities we all have as citizens. Itā€™s about having the tools to be full participants in a democracy.
Civil dialogue is not about being polite. It means engaging in conversations on topics that are important to us, sharing our views, and listening to othersā€™ views in honest and productive ways.Ā 

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Complete Human Diseases and Conditions

This e-book presents information on numerous diseases and conditions. Articles include a definition of the disease or condition, an explanation of how it works in the body, information on causes, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment or cure, and lifestyles.

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Contemporary Novelists

This e-book includes biographies, bibliographies, and critical essays on approximately 650 contemporary writers.

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Contemporary Poets

This e-book provides bibliographies and biographical information on 787 of the world’s most important contemporary English-language poets.

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Core Collections

Core Collections

Core Collections, brought to you by H.W. Wilson company & EBSCO, combines 6 distinct collections that identify the best and most current material available to your library. The seven collections include Graphic Novels, Children’s, Adult Fiction, Adult Nonfiction, Middle & Junior High School, and Senior High. Use these databases to build your library’s collection with any budget. Curated lists of essential, recommended, and supplemental titles are available, as well as full-text book reviews, weeding checklists, and more.

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Create ID. PBS Learning Media.

Createid: Exploring Creativity and the Arts in Idaho

Idaho is rich with artists, creators, and makers moved by the rugged beauty of the state and their own interior landscapes to produce compelling work of all kinds.

Creative people and projects can lift, energize, and galvanize us. They can spark important conversations, inspire a sense of belonging, and provide new perspectives. The seeds for our own ideas are nourished by the creativity of others, sparking our own ingenuity.

With its award-winning producers and videographers and our commitment to sensitive and artistic storytelling,Ā createidĀ brings these stories to a wide audience.

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Drugs & Controlled Substances: Info for Students

This single-volume e-book provides detailed information on the physiological and psychological effects of addictive drugs and substances, from illegal drugs to commonly abused classes of prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Arranged alphabetically by drug name, each entry follows a standard format, allowing researchers to find the information they need easily and also to facilitate comparison between drugs.

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EBSCOhost logo


EBSCOhost is an intuitive online research platform with quality databases and search features to help researchers of all kinds find the information they need fast. The updated User Interface offers updated accessibility features and is mobile-friendly.

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Encyclopedia of Drug Abuse

This e-book covers the full range of illegal and legal drugs and how they impact society. Taking a global perspective, this new title looks at the worldwide drug trade and the effects of drug abuse in countries and cultures around the world, as well as in the United States.

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Encyclopedia of Food and Culture

This three-volume e-book is a survey of food, and its place in human culture and society presented through 600 alphabetically sorted entries. Features multidisciplinary coverage of such topics as comfort food, ethnicity and food, medieval banquets, and nutrient composition, among many others. Includes photographs, illustrations, sidebars, recipes, menus, and timelines. For students and general readers.

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Encyclopedia of Recreation & Leisure in America

This two-volume e-book encyclopedia provides a comprehensive survey of American pastimes from the Colonial era to the present.

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Encyclopedia of Science, Technology & Ethics

This e-book encyclopedia considers both the professional ethics of science and technology, and the ethical and political issues raised by science and technology in an increasingly complex and global society. This broad coverage supports the numerous courses in applied and professional ethics and policy related to the practice of science and technology in education.

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Explora Educator's Edition. An EBSCOhost Experience.

Explora Educator’s Edition

Designed for educators, Explora Educator’s Edition has lesson plans, curriculum standards, and other professional development resources. This database includes full-text articles from thousands of academic journals and professional magazines on a wide variety of educational topics.

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Explora Secondary Schools. An EBSCOhost Experience.

Explora Secondary

Designed specifically for high school libraries, Explora Secondary is a full-text database of popular magazines, reference books, and primary sources covering many subjects, including history, science, and health. It also includes over a million photos, maps, and flags.

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Fashion, Costume and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear Through the Ages

This e-book provides facts and information about the cultural, religious, and social implications of human decoration and adornment throughout history, with a particular emphasis on the decades of the 20th century.

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Gale Ebooks

A collection of electronic specialized encyclopedias and reference books on a wide variety of subject areas that can be searched individually or as a whole.

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Gale Encyclopedia of Prescription Drugs: A Comprehensive Guide to the Most Common Medications

This encyclopedia features entries on the most commonly prescribed drugs. It describes potential side effects, drug and food interactions, recommended dosages, and warnings/precautions.

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Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual & Unexplained

This e-book has information on topics relating to magic, witchcraft, the supernatural, and other mysterious phenomena with a thorough look at the history of each topic, people and practices, popular literature, television programs, and movies related to the subject.

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Gale Encyclopedia of US Economic History, 2nd Edition

This e-book was designed to answer such key questions as: How has the U.S. Constitution shaped the economy of the United States? What were the consequences of Prohibition on consumer behavior? It presents 1,000 entries, era overviews, event/movement profiles, biographies, business/industry profiles, geographic profiles, and more.

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Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: Extinction - Gale ebook

Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia: Extinction

This supplement explores all aspects of extinctions and extinct life, featuring approximately 80 articles outlining major extinctions and related scientific areas. Entries are written by nationally renowned subject experts specializing in zoology, paleontology, and environmental science. Written for students and general researchers.
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Grzimek’s Animal Life Encycolpedia

This e-book features articles that familiarize readers with animals found everywhere on the globe, detailing their life cycles, predators, food systems, overall ecology, and much more.

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Grzimekā€™s Animal Life Encyclopedia: Evolution

This e-book covers evolution in detail and explores it from a scientific viewpoint. Includes comprehensive coverage of recent ideas and discoveries in the field of evolution.

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EBSCOhost History Reference Source

History Reference Source

Full-text content of historical documents, biographies of historical figures, photos, maps, video, and other history reference materials.

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Human Diseases and Conditions, 3rd ed., 2017:

This e-book presents information on numerous diseases and conditions. Articles include a definition of the disease or condition, an explanation of how it works in the body, information on causes, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment or cure, and lifestyles.

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Human Geography: People and the Environment

This e-book provides insight into both regional and global issues by addressing fundamental and advanced topics critical to the study of human geography and places special emphasis on exploring the impact of human habitation and economic activity on the environment.

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Parent Education Learning Center

Idaho Digital Learning Alliance Open Content Catalog

Idaho Digital Learning Alliance (IDLA) provides access to internally created online textbook content for Idaho districts and charters.Ā  This content is created according to Idaho Standards and targeted at grades 7-12. The content will include lesson objectives, lesson content, videos with transcripts, and non-graded interactivities.

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STACKS - Idaho Digital Resources

Idaho Digital Repository [STACKS]

A searchable, centralized collection of digital publications that are created by Idaho state agencies for the purpose of public information. [Stacks] does not contain any material created on the city or county level, nor historical material created by other entities not considered state agencies. Although there may be some slight overlap between [Stacks] and theĀ Idaho State Archives, the ArchivesĀ primarily provides public access and archival management for the Stateā€™s permanent records ā€“Ā  records of enduring legal, historical, or cultural value.Ā 

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Idaho Science Journal. PBS Learning Media.

Idaho Science Journal

Every day, Idaho scientists conduct research to describe, define, investigate, and understand the world in which we live. Idaho Science Journal takes a look at the work of some of the state’s most interesting researchers.

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Idaho: The Gem State - Gale ebook

Idaho: The Gem State

This book offers a comprehensive look at Idaho covering the history, geography, government, economy, and people of this state. The informative text is complemented by stunning images, useful tables, maps, timelines, and fun facts.
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Idaho Department of Labor

Job Seeking Resources

Explore the numerous resources for job seekers on the Idaho Department of Labor’s Job Seekers webpage. Wherever you are in your job-seeking journey, whether you’re new to the workforce or looking to make a career change, this site has resources for you!

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Know Vape. Be smart. Don't start. PBS Learning Media.

Know Vape

Lessons and interactive classroom activities for educators on the topic of youth vaping centers on the personal stories featured in the Idaho Public Television documentaryĀ Nic Sick: The Dangers of Youth Vaping, which follows Idaho teens in different regions of the Gem State as they talk with heartbreaking authenticity about how and why they started vaping and the consequences they experienced.

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EBSCO LearningExpress

LearningExpress Library

A comprehensive collection of test preparation tools, skill-building materials, and career resources. Use to prepare for college and career, education tutoring, software tutorials, and workforce development.

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LearningExpress Career Preparation

LearningExpress Library: Career Center

Are you preparing for a professional exam? Curious about a particular occupation or looking to improve your workplace skills? This center will set you up for a bright career future.

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LearningExpress High School Equivalency Center

LearningExpress Library: High School Equivalency Center

Use this center to prepare for the GEDā„¢ test and other equivalency exams with tutorials, eBooks, and practice tests.

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LearningExpress Library: High School Students

The resources here can help students and educators in high school prepare for important tests, get extra help with assignments, and boost their skills in important subjects.

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EBSCOhost Literary Reference Source

Literary Reference Source

Provides information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes.

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Literary Themes for Students: Race & Prejudice

This e-book covers a wide range of circumstances in which individuals experience prejudice in American, British, and world literature. The discussion goes well beyond race, religion, and gender into ethnicity, social status, mental and physical health, and personal beliefs and behaviors.

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Literary Themes for Students: The American Dream

This e-book provides readers with an overview of literary works that explore the theme of the American dream. Analyzes poetry, plays, short stories, novels, and works of nonfiction that address this theme in some capacity and how that theme has been treated in literature at different times in history and across diverse cultures.

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Literary Themes for Students: War & Peace

This e-book presents a myriad of viewpoints so that modern readers can begin to grasp the complexities of war and its impact. Such stories give voice to the individuals who fight and are fought against, who are injured, who suffer on the battlefield and at home, and who, inevitably, can no longer speak for themselves. Examines dominant and recurring subthemes in the literature of war; including survival, terrorism, leadership, and genocide.
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EBSCOhost MAS Ultra School Edition

MAS Ultra

Contains content from popular high school magazines covering a wide range of subject areas including history, science, careers and more.

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EBSCOhost Master File Premier

MasterFILE Premier

Covers a vast array of general reference subject areas including business, health, education, general science, multicultural issues and more.

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Middle East Conflict, 2nd Edition

This e-book provides a comprehensive and objective overview of the people, events, and documents that are key to understanding the complex relationships of the countries and cultures of the Middle East.

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EBSCOhost Military and Government Collection

Military and Government Collection

Designed to offer current news through a collection of periodicals, academic journals and other content pertinent to the increasing needs for all branches of the military and government.

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Native Voices in Idaho. Kessler Keener Foundation. PBS Learning Media.

Native Voices in Idaho

TheĀ Native Voices in IdahoĀ educational program is designed to assist teachers and educators in integrating Native-centered content into lesson planning. The tools provided center the voices of Indigenous people in Idaho to inspire a passion for cross-cultural learning in students, educators, and all learners and cultivate a community of understanding and respect for Indigenous experiences and contributions.

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EBSCOhost Newspaper Source Plus

Newspaper Source Plus

Full text coverage of major newspapers, videos, and podcasts covering critical news topics.

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Next Steps Idaho

Next Steps Idaho

College and career planning resources for high school students from the Idaho State Board of Education.

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Notable Sports Figures

This e-book features biographies of more than 600 sports figures from around the world and throughout history who have had an impact not only on their sport but also on the society and culture of their times.

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NoveList Plus

Novelist Plus

Find fiction reading recommendations for all ages. Search by book title, author, genre, or key plot points. Find information about a book series and discussion guides for book groups.

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Nutrition & Well-Being A-Z

This e-book examines the relationship between food and health on a historical, national and personal level. It analyzes how nutrition has affected quality of life, health, and fitness in various countries at different times in history.

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Outdoor Idaho Est. 1983. PBS Learning Media

Outdoor Idaho

Outdoor IdahoĀ celebrates the incredible richness of Idaho. Filmed entirely on location, the program explores the beauty, the drama, and the science of nature, while examining the significant environmental and resource issues facing the intermountain West. Since 1983,Ā Outdoor IdahoĀ has produced nearly 300 programs, winning hundreds of national and regional awards.

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Packaging Yourself book cover

Packaging Yourself: The Targeted RƩsumƩ

This e-book guide uses case studies to teach the nuances of rƩsumƩ preparation, as well as how to combine it with a LinkedIn profile. It provides guidance in making a resume stand out, highlighting strengths and hiding weaknesses, and creating a marketing piece that dynamically presents you just the way you want prospective employers to see you.

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PBS Learning Media

PBS LearningMedia

Free, curriculum-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more for K-12 educators, curated by Idaho Public Television (IdahoPTV) and Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).

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Political Theories for Students

This e-book provides in-depth information on major political theories and systems from all time periods. Each entry begins with a general overview of the system/theory followed by a discussion of the principal aspects of the theory, the theory’s philosophy, and an analysis of the historical context in which the theory was developed, including critical response.

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EBSCOhost Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

Access to top psychology and behavioral sciences journals.

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Real Life Math

This e-book provides an understanding of commonly studied math concepts by illustrating their use in everyday life in everyday tasks, such as buying insurance, constructing a budget, reading graphs, adjusting cooking recipes, or planning for retirement. Topics are designed to support the modern mathematics curriculum and contain examples related to the global economy.

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Real Life Math: Everyday Use of Mathematical Concepts

This e-book provides many insights into the many connections between mathematics applications and the real world. Nearly 50 math concepts are presented with multiple examples of how each is applied in everyday environments, such as the workplace, nature, science, sports, and even parking.

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EBSCOhost Religion and Philosophy Collection

Religion and Philosophy Collection

Scholarly content for researchers and students of theology and philosophical studies.

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Resilience. Hope Lives Here. PBS Learning Media.

Resilience in the Classroom

Resilience in the ClassroomĀ provides professional development resources centered around the documentaryĀ Resilience: Hope Lives Here.Ā These tools include a variety of cards and activities that you can use in your classroom to help children throughout their day.Ā  As well as practical professional development training for teachers to learn about ACEs and have a more trauma-informed classroom.

Resilience: Hope Lives HereĀ investigates Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), which include abuse, neglect, divorce and other childhood traumas. Research shows that left unresolved or untreated, these experiences can lead to health conditions in adulthoodā€”such as high blood pressure, diabetes and depression. Being a trauma-informed teacher or practitioner is critical because Idaho has the fifth-highest rate in the nation for children who have experienced three or more ACEs.

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Scientific Thought in Context

This e-book includes original essays written by leading experts in the field, primary source documents that articulate the interrelation of science and society, and sidebars on the cultural, economic, and political issues surrounding scientific thought — providing insights on leading social issues and exploring the impact of science on society through the ages.

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Scratch Programming for Teens

This e-book focuses on Scratch, a programming language intended to make programming easier to learn for novice programmers. It can be used to create computer games, interactive stories, graphic artwork and computer animation, and all sorts of other multimedia projects. Scratch can also be used to play digital music and sound effects.

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Shakespeare for Students

This e-book is a collection of essays by Shakespeare scholars that have been selected for students at the high school or undergraduate college level. Each entry includes an introduction, a plot synopsis, a character list, a discussion of the work’s principal themes, information about the style and literary devices used, a conversation about the work’s historical context, and a critical overview.

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Teen's Guide to College and Career Planning

Teens’ Guide to College & Career Planning, 12th Edition

This e-book guide enables high school students to make important decisions involving life after graduation. Includes advice from guidance counselors, instructors, college admission officials, military officers, and other high school students, as well as tips for interviews, resumes, and cover letters.

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Television in American Society

Focused on a popular topic, this exciting e-book collection gives students and teachers substantial material for discussion and research. The three-volume set shows how television has reflected and influenced American society and culture throughout its history, covering both positive and negative effects.
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The College Blue Book, book cover

The College Blue Book

Guide to thousands of 2-and 4-year schools in the U.S. and Canada. Covers the expected listings and detailed descriptions, degree programs offered, scholarships, and occupational education programs.

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The Growth of a Superpower

This e-book examines the trajectory of American history between the administrations of Harry Truman and Barack Obama and the factors that have shaped and sustained its development.

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EBSCOhost Topic Search


Content explores current events, social, political, economic, scientific, and other popular topics frequently discussed in the classroom.

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US Imperialism and Progressivism

This e-book examines American history between the end of the Civil War and the end of World War I, considering in depth both the imperialist and progressive influences that heralded the country’s future position as a major force on the international stage.

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UXL Doomed: The Science Behind Disaster

This e-book explores the science behind some of the worst global disasters of the 20th and 21st centuries, including structural and engineering failures, natural disasters, nuclear and industrial accidents, train derailments, and plane crashes. Entries cover physics, engineering, aerodynamics, chemical reactions, computer science, geology, materials science, and more.

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UXL Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes

This e-book provides detailed studies of tribes from all over the United States and Canada, including small tribes and some that no longer exist. Gives detailed yet accessible information on history, religion, art, government, economy, daily life and current social and political issues.

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UXL Encyclopedia of Science, 3rd Edition

This alphabetically organized ten-volume set opens up the entire world of science in clear, nontechnical language. Its 798 entries provide fascinating facts covering the entire spectrum of science, from physical, life, and earth sciences to math, psychology, engineering, technology, and the environment. This edition features 204 new entries and 594 updated entries.

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UXL Encyclopedia of Weather & Natural Disasters

This e-book introduces students to the topic of weather and natural disasters, covering such topics as weather basics, weather phenomena, forecasting, and climate. Provides information on the scientific aspects of various types of disasters, including blizzards, earthquakes, flooding, tornadoes, volcanoes, and wildfires.

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UXL Encyclopedia of World Mythology

Topics in this e-book include gods and goddesses, heroes and other key characters, motifs and global themes, major myths, and national or cultural mythologies. Coverage spans a diversity of cultures, including standard Greek/Roman entries as well as Native North and South American traditions, Norse mythology, Asian Pacific mythology, Judeo-Christian tradition, and Islamic and Hindu mythologies.

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VideoHound’s Golden Movie Retreiver

This e-book reviews movies that are available on DVD or tape. Each entry includes title, alternate title, one-to-four-bone rating, year released, MPAA rating, brief review, length, format, country of origin, cast, technical personnel, awards, and made-for-television/cable/video designations.

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World Book Advanced

World Book Advanced

Encyclopedia for high school or new college students. Includes multimedia, e-book center with public domain content, and primary source documents.

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