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Ebsco Newspaper Source

Newspaper Source Plus

Full text coverage of major newspapers, videos, and podcasts covering critical news topics.

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Next Avenue

Next Avenue

Resources for mid-life adults. Topics covered include health, work, home, and finances.

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Next Steps Idaho

Next Steps Idaho

College and career planning resources for high school students from the Idaho State Board of Education.

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Notable Sports Figures

Takes a close look at the people in sports who have captured attention because of success on the playing field, or controversy off the playing field.

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Novelist K-8 Plus

For readers in Grades K-8, find fiction and narrative nonfiction reading recommendations by book titles, author, genre, series, or key plot points. Ready-to-go read-alike lists for popular titles.

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Novelist Plus

Find fiction reading recommendations for all ages. Search by book title, author, genre, or key plot points. Find information about a book series and discussion guides for book groups.

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Nutrition & Well-Being A-Z

Examines the relationship between food and health on a historical, national and personal level. It analyzes how nutrition has affected quality of life, health and fitness in various countries at different times in history.

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