Adding Topical Meanings, Page 2


The 371 section of the schedules deals with schools and their activities in general, not specified by an age level such as elementary. While keeping a bookmark on page 311, find the summary for 371 "Schools and their activities" found on page 299 of the 13th Abridged Edition.  You will be using this section in the Self-Evaluation, so you should place a bookmark in this page.



According to this summary, for example, student counseling is 371.4, physical plant is 371.6, and special education is 371.9. Keeping these breakdowns in mind, go back to the instructions from 372.11--.18.  We are told to use 372.1 as the base number and add the numbers from 371 to create numbers for these topics in elementary education.


Using these instructions, the following classification numbers can be created:


            372.1        Base number

                   4        Number following 371 in 371.4 (student counseling)

            372.14      Base number and addition: student counseling at the elementary level


            372.1        Base number

                   6        Number following 371 in 371.6 (physical plant)

            372.16      Base number and addition: physical plant at the elementary level


            372.1        Base number

                   9        Number following 371 in 371.9 (special education)

            372.19      Base number and addition: special education at the elementary level


As can be seen from these examples, the same principles have been used as were used for the additions to numbers from Table 2. There is a base number in one subject area that has numbers added to it to create more specificity in the classification number that results. The only difference here is that the numbers adding the specificity come from another section of the schedules rather than a table at the beginning of the DDC. Also notice that while the digit added to the base number came directly after the decimal point in the 371 section, it was not in that same place in the 372 notation. This is another one of the instances where writing down the numbers first and adding the decimal point last will keep catalogers from being confused about where the decimal should be placed.


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