Topic: Early Childhood

Core Collection Children's

Core Collection: Children’s

This rich resource covers fiction and nonfiction works, story collections, picture books, and magazines recommended for readers in preschool through sixth grade. Professional literature for the children’s librarian—both periodicals and books—is also covered. Selected and recommended by collection development specialists, books within the Children’s Core Collection encompass a wide variety of topics, including social sciences, science, math, and reading.

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Day By Day Idaho

You and your child can embark on an adventure together through books and reading and many fun-filled activities every day of the year by accessing the resources available for free from this website.

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NoveList K-8 Plus

Novelist K-8 Plus

For readers in Grades K-8, find fiction and narrative nonfiction reading recommendations by book titles, author, genre, series, or key plot points. Ready-to-go read-alike lists for popular titles.

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An online gameboard filled with resources for parents and early learners to explore together.

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EBSCOhost Teacher Reference Center

Teacher Reference Center

Topics covered include assessment, best practices, curriculum development, higher education, instructional media, literacy standards, school administration and more.

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The Bookworm

The Bookworm

The Bookworm is a monthly early literacy newsletter containing age-appropriate literacy information and activities.

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