Basic Guides to Reference Materials

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The following definitive works are selective bibliographies which contain information on how and when to use the major types of reference tools, print and electronic, including:  bibliographies, indexes, encyclopedias, almanacs, yearbooks, handbooks, directories, biographical sources, dictionaries, geographical sources, and government documents.  While these are two of the best-known textbooks written for college and graduate school reference classes, the information is quite accessible and useful for anyone working in a library.  For example, you can consult them to quickly locate the titles of standard works within a discipline.  Either of these is highly recommended if you want to read further to expand your reference skills and knowledge.

Introduction to Reference Work, by William A. Katz.  8th ed.  2 volumes.  McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2002.  (Volume one is titled Basic Information Sources and volume two is titled Reference Services and Reference Processes.)

Reference and Information Services:  An Introduction, ed. by Richard E. Bopp and Linda C. Smith.  3rd ed. Libraries Unlimited, 2001. 

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