Self-Evaluation 2

  1. True or False.  When evaluating reference sources, there is no need to pay attention to who the publisher is.


  2. Which of the following are ways of determining currency for various reference sources?
    1. the copyright date of a book, CD-ROM, or DVD
    2. the most recent update of a web site
    3. currency of content, such as new words in a dictionary or new names and boundaries for countries in an atlas
    4. links in a Web site are current
    5. all of the above.


  3. True or False.  The target audience for a reference source only applies to the age or grade level of K-12 students.


  4. True or False.  Consistency in entries is a good measurement of accuracy and can often be checked by looking up a topic you’re familiar with.


  5. True or False.  One way of measuring accessibility in a reference source is to look for a detailed index and a well-organized table of contents.