Gift Materials

Libraries are frequently recipients of gifts of materials from well-meaning people in the community. While some of these gifts may be useful, many do not fit well into the library's collection. They may be too old or in bad condition. The library may already have copies of the material, or the material may simply not fit into what the library is trying to do.  When this occurs, the potential donor should be informed that the library will not be able to accept the gift for the library's collection.  (Some libraries will accept the gifts with the stipulation that they will be placed in the library's book sale to raise money for the library.)

The collection development policy should state how the library will evaluate gifts for inclusion in the collection, the process that will be used to evaluate these materials, and how the library will dispose of gifts that it does not accept for the collection.  (Most libraries state that gift materials must meet the standards set for any addition to the collection, and that any gift left with the library will be disposed of as the library sees fit.)

When a people offer gifts to the library, the policy can then be used to help them understand how their gifts will be handled.

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